National ART & Surrogacy Portal
Department of Health Research
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India

Boards and Authorities

SR No. Particular Download
1. Corrigenda for Omission of States Gujarat HP Jharkhand Meghalaya and Sikkim
2. Corrigenda for the Omission of the State of Chhattisgarh out of 17 states
3. Corrigenda omission of names of some States from Order dated 04.08.2022 and withdrawal of corrigenda dated 08.08.2022
4. List of Health Secretaries of States and UTs
5. Notification National ART and Surrogacy Board
6. Notification of Amendment of ART Rules
7. Notification of Amendment of Surrogacy Rules
8. Notification of Removal of Difficulties Order 2022 extension for Clinics and Banks in 17 states
9. Notification of rules for the appointment of expert members of national board
10. Notification of rules for the appointment of expert members of state board
11. Notification of Updation of Designation of Dr. N.R. Battu
12. Notification of UT Appropriate Authority
13. Notification UT board with and without legislature